Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Great American Carver Cafe

This started out a long time ago as a silly weekly email to my husband, Jason. He works retail and I have bankers hours, therefore many days we seem to be passing each other. (Oh what I'd give for that man to come home to a hot, home cooked meal every night!) So I email him what I am thinking about cooking for the week before I head out to the grocery after work. This has become tradition. I figure that since he has to eat leftovers then I want them to be something that he will enjoy.

I have recently started posting Team Carver's weekly menu's on Instagram & Facebook and have had an overwhelming response from family & friends to do something with it. I have had this blog for a couple of years & as you (as in the two of you that have read it) can see... I have never really done anything with it so here is what I plan on doing. Here is this weeks menu for example...

I will post our weekly menu then show you a couple of the recipes I cooked & how to cook it. WARNING! I am NOT a professional, I am a southerner. (As a matter of fact, I lovingly prepared last weeks Fried Ravioli with Chorizo Brussel Sprouts & it was an epic fail. It was edible but Jason asked me to never cook that again. Ha ha ha! I know that when he stares at his plate & doesn't say a word that it was not my best work. Sorry love!) I get 99% of my recipes online or from family.

So what better time to start, yet another foodie blog, than 2 days before the holiday that allows us Americans to celebrate it by stuffing our bellies for 4 consecutive days?? I personally can't think of anything more appropriate! Here we go & Happy Thanksgiving!!


  1. You've got my tummy rumblin' and I can't wait for that pecan pie recipe. It's J's favorite, so I will be trying it. :)

    1. Thank you Brianne! It's now posted. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! :)

  2. I giggled when I saw "leftovers, leftovers" after the Thanksgiving meal :)

