Tuesday, March 4, 2014

5 months past due

I completely forgot to post a follow up picture of our beautiful brick pavers! I must have posted a million pictures on Instagram but definitely dropped the ball on my extremely sporatic little blog. My apologies. 

They could not be anymore perfect!! The best part is they show absolutely no dirt!! Well, maybe that's not the best thing but it's definitely a perk! 
We also painted the kitchen to give it a face-lift that would compliment the pavers. I have not been known to pick the greatest paint colors but this time I was spot on. Thank you Martha Stewart, Buckwheat Flour is perfect! I am seriously considering painting the entire inside of the house this color but I am afraid that my husband may lay the smack down if I ask anytime soon. So for now, I will sip my wine quietly in my "new" kitchen. 

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